Monday, May 3, 2010

Monkeys Monkeys Everywhere!

Maja and I continued having lessons with my 3 Chinese teachers this
semester. However, they are seniors and now it's graduation time. So
we are changing to a new teacher.

Today, one of my former teacher Xiang Juan, who I can now call by her
English name Jenny, invited me to go to Qianling Park with her. Jenny
now works at a different English school quite nearby ours. This week
has been a national holiday. However I think we're the only English
school that got no days off for the holiday! Jenny got 9 days off, so
we decided to go the park today. It was busy with lots of old people
dancing and singing, and families taking pictures with the monkeys.

I like hanging out with Jenny because she's fun and she always tells
me to bring my camera and take lots of pictures. So I will try to post
them up today. We decided against climbing up the mountain at the park
because it was hot and sticky today. I love how even at the park you
still see all range of outfits- plenty of women clambering around the
park in high heels, mini skirts, and tights.

Then we decided to go shopping. We went to a pedestrian overpass. It's
this huge labyrinth of little shops, popular with the university
students, and Jenny bargained for me so we got some cheap prices. As
ever, we couldn't find shoes anywhere big enough to fit me. When I
told one of my favorite students, Mike, my shoe size, he said "You can
buy men's shoes." Thanks Mike.

We had the very Guiyang food- siwawa- for lunch. Little thin pancakes
that you filll up with whichever vegetables you want and eat, sort of
like a little taco.

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