Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to Everyone!

Wow I can't believe that March is almost over! It's seriously flown by.

We've had Matt's birthday, Garry's birthday is Friday, and our friend
Weiyi's birthday was last week. Then we have Philip and Chris's coming
up soon. So lots of spring birthday parties.

Weiyi had her party at a French bar, believe it or not. Four or five
real live French people work at this bar, owned by a French woman.
Weiyi is Matt's former Chinese teacher and briefly worked at the
school. She's actually learning French and her goal is to be a Chinese
teacher in French. It was a fun night.

Last night we went to Garry and Chris's apartment to celebrate Garry's
23rd. Matt and I managed to find champagne for Garry's birthday gift.

Otherwise I've been busy lesson planning and teaching. Actually
yesterday I went shopping at the mall near school where I often get
coffee. There are some really nice small boutique type shops there-
like an Anthropologie style of clothes. I also ate lunch at a cafe,
where I had a duck, egg, and cheese sandwich. It was fantastic!

My current favorite TV shows- Bones, Psych, and Glee, are all on some
kind of hiatus right now. I got into American Idol in the Philippines
when I had cable TV so I've been keeping up with that (at least going
with my musical theme from Glee).

Here in China the internet is censored, and I can't even read my own
blog. But one cool thing we do have is Google music China, which is a
website where you can download music legally for free. They don't have
a lot of the newest or less popular artists but they do have quite a
lot. It makes it easy to expand my musical horizons. It's great for
classical music as well. I tend to go through phases with music right
now and currently I'm in a powerful female singer mode, more on the
soul side, so if anyone has any suggestions I'm up for it (last week I
was in Rolling Stones mode so clearly this changes a lot).

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