Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Carpe Diem

When I was in Singapore, my random missionary/massage therapist friend
Bernie asked me, "What's your life goal? Do you want to climb Mount
Everest?" Now, see, the thing is, I have no desire to climb Mount
Everest. My friend Paige runs marathons. I admire her, but I have no
desire to run marathons either. Many of my friends are working toward
PhDs. I'd rather climb Mount Everest or run a marathon than go back to

I gave the question some thought, but I think I already knew the
answer. I want to learn to surf. Now, this may come as a surprise
since I live nowhere near an ocean currently. Also because I grew up
in the desert. But if you've ever been with me to the ocean, you
probably aren't shocked at all because you know you can't get me out
of the waves. I usually body surf. Boogie boarding was fun when I was
little, but it's too easy. To body surf, you have to throw yourself
into the waves at exactly the right moment to catch a ride. Too big a
wave at the wrong moment and you're tumbling around feeling like
you'll never come up for air again. But I'll stay out there as long as
it takes to get a ride.

My goal now is to go to Indonesia after my contract is up here in
China. I've wanted to go to Indonesia for some time, and it's probably
one of the cheaper places to get surfing lessons in the world. This is
on my way to Australia, ideally, to see my friends there. Well, and
it's no coincidence that these two countries are known for gorgeous
beaches and great surfing.

Plus, this is probably the one life goal that I have that will inspire
me to get in shape (as the poster of inspirational quotes in our dorm
room said last year: don't be a fatty.) It will also be nice to have
something to look forward to, since there are no big vacations left.

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